93 Things You Can Do Right Now If You Feel Sad

93 Things You Can Do Right Now If You Feel Sad

Almost two years deep into a global pandemic that has disrupted just about everything, we are faced with the newest setback: Omicron. Tensions are high. No one is happy. The world feels messed up.

It’s natural to feel a little sad.

Or mad. Or tired, frustrated, and hopeless. It’s easy to lose sight of normalcy, or even what the word normal means. 

But there is a lot of good. Great, even! 

Here are 93 things you could do right now (in no particular order) to make yourself feel better.

  1. Bake. Even if it’s out of one of those Betty Crocker boxed cake mixes.

  2. Have a shower.

  3. Go for a walk.

  4. Take three deep breaths. 

  5. Make your bed.

  6. Look out a window.

  7. Find the pair of socks that make you smile the most (maybe ones with a funny pattern) and put them on.

  8. Water a plant (if you have one… or just a random one outside).

  9. Smile and nod at someone on the street.

  10. Tidy up the kitchen.

  11. Stretch. Maybe even do a little yoga.

  12. Write a quick note, email, or text someone to say ‘thank you’.

  13. Floss your teeth. But wait, actually do it. It feels amazing.

  14. Write down three things you’re grateful for today.

  15. Read a book that you chose just for fun.

  16. Clean up a pair of your shoes.

  17. Do something that will make your space smell nice - spray a fragrance or even cook something.

  18. Look through photographs from a favourite trip.

  19. Blast your favourite song.

  20. Put on your favourite cozy sweatshirt or sweatpants.

  21. Chew some gum. 

  22. Plan a really special meal.

  23. Make a nice warm drink.

  24. Hug your pet (if you have one… or a human if it’s Covid-safe).

  25. Think of a present you really want to get someone. And then get it (if you can).

  26. Unsubscribe to at least 3 emails.

  27. Wipe off your computer screen (it’s probably dusty).

  28. Plan a small project around the home - even if it’s just changing out pulls on the dresser.

  29. Look on Pinterest for an easy craft and then do it.

  30. Sort your pantry and find 3 things you can donate to a foodbank. 

  31. Re-watch your favourite episode from your favourite show.

  32. Drink a nice glass of water.

  33. Reach out to a friend to plan a catch up, even if it’s just a short phone call that you end up planning.

  34. Read something short and interesting (note: I’d vote for not a news article - those can be depressing!).

  35. Look through pictures and videos from your time in high school.

  36. Wrap yourself in a cozy blanket.

  37. Make a funny face and take a picture, and then send it to someone you know has a sense of humour.

  38. Tell someone they did a good job.

  39. Wet a small towel with hot water (or put it briefly in the microwave wet) and then use it to clean your hands like you’re in Business Class on the airplane.

  40. Light a candle (if you have one). (But do it safely). 

  41. Moisturize. 

  42. Do 10 pushups. Or 20 sit ups. Whichever sounds less difficult to you. 

  43. Clean out your fridge (the out of date stuff) as fast as you possibly can. 

  44. Go around your house and look at all the pictures in picture frames as if you were in a gallery.

  45. Pick one catchy song and sing along to it.

  46. Go to the Dollarstore and pick out one fun thing just for you.

  47. Put on some nature sounds and close your eyes and listen for a moment.

  48. Make a little fort on the couch.

  49. Close a bunch of tabs on your web browser (if you’re the kind of person who has a bunch open) or apps on your phone.

  50. Book a self-care appointment: maybe a massage, hair cut, or nail trim.

  51. Look at a few cartoons. When you find something funny, laugh out loud instead of just exhaling a bit more air out of your mouth.

  52. Write down the next three places you want to trave to and then research a cool activity you could do for each of those trips.

  53. Practice your award acceptance speech for your Oscar in front of the mirror.

  54. Doodle a little cartoon on some paper. 

  55. Tell someone you love them. Even if it’s just your dog.

  56. Read a nice card or email someone sent to you.

  57. Pop bubble wrap.

  58. List three things that make you beautiful.

  59. Take your vitamins.

  60. Recycle.

  61. Look up funny limericks, and send your favourite to someone to cheer them up.

  62. Go stand outside. Notice what’s going on. 

  63. Write down 3 reasons why you’re great.

  64. Clear some clutter. 

  65. Try to correct your posture. 

  66. Look up really cute pictures of kittens or puppies.

  67. Have a bath (if you have one). 

  68. Stick a blanket in the dryer for a few minutes and then wrap it around yourself. 

  69. Make sure your curtains and blinds are open to let all the light in (if it’s daytime). 

  70. Pick up a child’s book and read it. 

  71. Tell someone you believe in them.

  72. Put fresh sheets on the bed.

  73. Eat a serving of fruit.

  74. Decisively shut your computer screen (or something like that) and take at least 5 minutes away from the screen.

  75. Find and practice saying some tongue twisters.

  76. Take a break.

  77. Practice your hobby for at least 20 minutes.

  78. Write down your feelings.

  79. Have a quick nap or lie down.

  80. Say no to something that was making you anxious. 

  81. Put on your favourite outfit, just for fun. Yep, you can put on that fancy dress, if you want to!

  82. Do a quick puzzle. Nothing too hard!

  83. Shout! 

  84. Leave money (maybe $5) in a place you will find it later.

  85. Think of 3 things you can do today or tomorrow that would make others happy.

  86. Find a positive affirmation that works for how you’re feeling today.

  87. Eat some dark chocolate.

  88.  Give yourself a 90 second foot massage. Then wash your hands.

  89. Complete a task you’ve been putting off.

  90. Write some mail to someone. 

  91. Go for a quick ride in the car or on your bike around the block. 

  92. If you have stairs, go up and down them 3 times.

  93. Think about where you were 10 years ago and how far you’ve come.

I hope you found something in there that could cheer you up. I’m heading to put clean sheets on the bed right after this :)

Remember, this too shall pass…


Dr. D

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On What’s The Big Deal about January 1st for New Goals?

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